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Voters overwhelming support a Dream Act and reject more walls, agents and detention beds

East County News Service

October 23, 2017 (San Diego) -- A new survey of nearly 900 likely voters from San Diego County reveals that San Diegans have more favorable views towards immigrants and immigration policies than they did 10 years ago.

According to the survey, released by Alliance San Diego, 60% of voters agree that "immigration helps San Diego County more than it hurts," which is up from 54 percent ten years ago. An even larger majority of county voters--over 70%-- believe that immigrants have a strong work ethic, have strong family values, and are good neighbors.

Nearly all voters surveyed-- 96%--are aware of the Dreamers, the young undocumented immigrants who are now in jeopardy with the ending of the DACA program, and 82 percent--up from 75%--now agree we should allow them "to gain permanent legal status if they were brought to the U.S. as children, received a U.S. high school degree and have no criminal record."

Strong majorities of San Diego County voters also oppose more walls (64%), more ICE agents (64%) and more detention beds (74%). In addition, voters across the political spectrum overwhelmingly oppose the extra powers that Department of Homeland Security’s ICE and Border Patrol agents have, and 83 percent agree that they "should be required to follow the same rules as other federal, state, and local law enforcement officers by having probable cause or a warrant before entering private property, searching a vehicle, or detaining someone."

Despite the anti-immigrant actions of the Trump administration, the survey also found that a strong majority of voters locally—over two thirds in every Congressional district in San Diego County--favors a pathway to citizens, or earned legalization, for undocumented immigrants. A majority in every Congressional district also favors issuing more family visas and refugee resettlement, and 75 percent or more in every Congressional district favor work permits as well as fully staffed ports of entry.

The survey was completed October 1st by the research firm of Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates. (View presentation here.  View poll summary here.)

Andrea Guerrero, Executive Director of Alliance San Diego, said, "San Diego voters consider immigrants to be good neighbors with strong family values and a strong work ethic. They support the Dream Act and reject the extreme policies from Washington DC to build more walls, hire more agents and build more detention centers.” 

She adds, “The issue of immigration sometimes divides us, but we are united across the political spectrum in our opposition to the excessive powers that DHS asserts to act against citizens and immigrants alike without a warrant, inside the United States. We urge lawmakers to listen to the voters from the largest border county in the country and limit the powers of DHS, which are far greater than any other local, state, or federal law enforcement agency and undermine our civil liberties."

Laura Moreno, Chair of the  San Diego Immigrant Rights Consortium,  made the following statement: "San Diegans have spoken, and elected officials should listen. The vast majority of voters want Congress to put forward policies of inclusion, which bring people together, not policies of exclusion, which devastate families and divide our communities. San Diego is a welcoming place for immigrants and refugees, who are contributing members of society and essential to the fabric of our communities. We call on elected officials to align with the majority of voters and advance humane and common-sense immigration policies."

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Dreamers aren't DACAs

Dreamers are not DACAs and DACAs aren't Dreamers. DACA illegal aliens who are ages 21-35 met the requirements to get a two year deferred deportation and a work permit. Dreamer illegal aliens couldn't meet the requirements and are a larger group. Congress wants to give amnesty and citizenship not just to the 800.000 DACAs but also to Dreamers which would make at least 3.6 million illegal aliens that would profit from violating US immigration laws. No amnesty or citizenship or work permits to DACAs or Dreamers. Start deporting now.

DACA and Dreamers

Eastof:  What is your source of info  on these definitions?  CNN has an explanation here that seems to be interchangeable for the terms :

Regardless, it is certainly heartless and downright cruel to take a young adult who was brought here as a baby or a young child, and deport them.  That young person did NOTHING wrong and you would be punishing them for something their parents did.  I would much prefer if hateful people would leave this country and leave these innocent young people alone.

Why do you hate people you've never met, who've done nothing to harm you, many of whom are now educated, hard-working and productive people in our communities. Or are you just a racist who wants to deport people based on the color of their skin, with no regard for the harm that will befall some of these kids if they're deported back to places that are violence-riddled, where drug traffickers kidnap , coerce and pray on vulnerable young people?