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Sign up for #CaliforniansForAll to serve and volunteer in your community

September 11, 2021 (Sacramento) – The 20th anniversary of September 11th - an important time for us to reflect, says Josh Fryday, Chief Services Officer for Governor Gavin Newsom.  Fryday is heading up a statewide day of service for Californians to volunteer, a model backed by the Legislature and Governor as a model to build back trust and create a culture of service for our communities.

He recalls, “I was 20 years old when our country was attacked and vividly remember the feelings of national unity immediately after. Two decades later, we are bitterly divided across almost every line, too often leaving us unable to grapple with a pandemic, gun violence, growing inequality and poverty, racism, and the existential threat of climate change. To make our country stronger and start the path toward unity, we must address the loss of trust in each other, in our institutions, and even in ourselves.”

Please read my reflections on the last 20 years since 9/11, and hope for where we go from here.

For this year’s September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance, the state has partnered with VolunteerMatch and AmeriCorps to ensure opportunities are accessible on the robust search tool.  Fryday adds.  “Twenty years from now, I am hopeful we will reflect on this time as another moment of unity, where Californians came together to tackle critical issues and rebuild the trust essential to our society."

Volunteer opportunities include:

Sign up for #CaliforniansForAll to serve and volunteer in your community.


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