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February 1, 2009 (Ramona)--Each Saturday in February from 9 a.m to noon, the public is invited to visit the Ramona Grasslands with the Wildlife Research Institute, Inc. for a free educational program. You will see raptors such as the Golden Eagle, the wintering Ferruginous Hawk, the Red-tailed Hawk, Prairie Falcon and the Red-shouldered Hawk. Nineteen (19) species of raptors alone have been recorded at this Raptor Hotspot.

You will observe the wild raptors and learn the life histories of these hawks and eagles and the significance of the Ramona Grassland ecosystem to the raptors' survival from WRI Biologists. There will be demonstrations of hawk banding and tracking eagles with transmitters.

For directions and more information call 760-789-3992.

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