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April 5, 2014 (Jacumba) – Tom Lemon sent this surreal looking shot of a buffalo sculpture and man-made caves at the Desert View Tower, long a favorite roadside stop of travelers in Jacumba. Visit it while you still can – word is its long-time proprietor may be set to retire in the near future.

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What A Loss This Will Be! :(

Hard to imagine not having access to this rock "Lighthouse in the Desert" that has an amazing view all around it even when there is a ferocious wind blowing outside. The maze that twists around huge granite boulders lures you on to explore and discover "animals" waiting for you just around the next bend. It is an inspiration to start your own adventure in the wonderland of nearby desert so you can discover its endless secrets for yourself. People from around the world stop by here as evidenced by the register logs. We stopped by recently and asked if we could look up the first time I signed us in as a couple on the way back from our honeymoon decades ago and took a picture. Glad I did. I will miss the Tower!